Thursday, May 29, 2008

Good Day, Mr. Sun!

I casually mentioned the need for facial sun screen to a girlfriend when she said that she has been using Lancome UV Expert DNA Shield with SPF 50. I thought I should try this on the days when I need to be under the sun for hours. So, I made my way to Lancome counter in Subang Parade and purchased one (costs me around RM160.00 for 30ml).
I didn't really study about this product before I bought one. I trusted my friend. What better way to trust a product than word of mouth? Being new to this (I usually put on moisturizer with minimal sun protection), I didn't know how and when to apply it. So, I instead of asking the consultant at the counter, I googled it instead and found this website. By now I already know that sun block is to be applied at least 30 minutes before skin exposure to the sun, and to be re-applied after 2 hours.

I have been using this for the last 2 months and so far I'm very happy with the result. I'm sure everybody's aware of what harm can the Sun do to our skin, and I'm sure don't wish to take it lightly. So far I haven't had any skin problem related to the Sun, around my face.. No pigmentation, no premature wrinkle and hoping that there won't be any forever! Just wish that it's a cheaper so I can apply them all over my body!

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